
Early Excellence

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Have Your Say – The EYFS Consultation

The DfE’s EYFS Consultation is coming to an end.

Respond by the 31st January

With so much change heading our way it is essential for all involved in the EYFS to have their say.  As an organisation, Early Excellence concur with many in the sector, that some of the proposed changes are welcome, whilst others require greater clarity, represent missed opportunities or are significant cause for concern.
You can find and download a helpful summary of our view here.

The EEx Response Summary

Responding may seem daunting but read the proposed changes and then set aside an hour to answer the questions – giving more detail to the questions that you feel most strongly about.

Read the Proposed Changes

If you have time you might also make use of sources such as the recent in-depth literature review ‘Getting it right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a review of the evidence’. This document provides current, relevant research and analysis into the effectiveness of the EYFS – an invaluable tool for helping evaluate any of the proposed changes.

The consultation will lead to significant changes to the EYFS curriculum and ELG’s.

Complete the DfE EYFS Consultation by Friday 31st January.

Respond now