
Early Excellence

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Virtual Tour of Centre

child development webinars


Welcome to this 3D virtual reality tour of our National Centre, giving you the opportunity to look around and be immersed in best practice wherever you are in the world!

You will be able to delve into our EYFS and KS1 interactive classrooms where you will see examples of high-quality provision, and take a good look around our resource shop which showcases many of our high-quality books, play resources and educational artefacts available to buy online. You will also peek inside our curriculum room, training room and café space which house professional books and displays of children’s work to inspire your practice.

We hope that you enjoy looking around and hearing about our unique and specialist Centre and all of the ways you can connect with our work.  Hopefully we will welcome you in person soon!

Please fill in your details below to join the EEx Community and take a virtual tour of our centre.


Virtual Reality Tour - Insight UKTour created by Insight UK – the leading providers of 3D virtual reality tours for educational institutions including: Nurseries, Schools, Colleges and Universities.