KS1 Small World & Blocks Provision Guide
Continuous Provision is an effective vehicle for reflecting young children’s interests, supporting learning in a developmentally appropriate way and for implementing and embedding the curriculum. However, whilst its value is consistently recognised across Early Years settings, what it means to Key Stage 1 practitioners, and what it looks like in practice varies greatly, and its impact on learning and outcomes for children is similarly wide-ranging.
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Join us for a series of three 90-minute webinars designed to provide insightful CPD opportunities for your KS1 team to refresh their knowledge and rethink practice.
More infoGuide to Continuous Provision 5-7yrs
Our latest planning guide offers guidance on planning space in KS1, organising resources and managing routines. It also offers advice on the role of the adult and how to develop children’s independent learning.
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Join schools across the country who are rethinking and developing their approaches to teaching and learning in KS1 with resources to support independent learning and enquiry.
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