Bespoke Consultancy to Drive Forward Improvements in EYFS & KS1
Invest in a partnership with Early Excellence to support successful and sustained school improvement. Engage in open, honest and challenging dialogues around quality and impact of the Early Years and Infant Phases and explore advice, guidance, support and facilitation to drive forward improvements.
We would be happy to explore how we can best support you and your school on a journey of development, with a blended offer of face to face and online support built around your specific needs or a specific focus.
Bespoke support packages can be built to include:
- Strategic Planning and Impact Review
- Evaluation of a specific strand of school development work
- Support and professional development for SLT
- Wider coaching for Senior Leaders / Key members of staff
- Support and advice for Governors
Focused support for:
Headteachers, Senior Leaders, SLT Teams & Governors