
Early Excellence

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Arrange a Free Room Plan

When the moment arrives for you to rethink your classroom layout and you want help to transform your provision, indoor or out, our team of Curriculum Consultants can help you every step of the way.

For advice about how best to design your classroom and equip your learning environments – whether a new space or an existing classroom – simply contact us for help. One of our Curriculum Consultants will work with you to discuss your vision, design your rooms and create a detailed list of all the equipment you need to create a vibrant learning environment.

We specialise in providing:
– Expert help to design you indoor and outdoor classrooms
– Bespoke classroom layout plans to maximise your space
– Support with selecting and ordering
– Speedy delivery and help with installation

For advice and to book a free* design consultancy, contact admin@earlyexcellence.com and we will arrange for you to talk to one of our curriculum consultants.

Explore Indoor Brochure

Explore Outdoor Brochure

Request Brochure Pack

During the current situation, we are still able to offer our remote room planning service. Please contact us for further information.

*This is a free service for schools and settings who are intending to purchase Early Excellence resources.  A £250 consultancy fee will be applicable if a minimum order of £3000 is not placed within 3 months of the quotation being provided. This will rise to £300 if a CAD version of the room plan is also requested.

EYFS Classroom

Refurbishment of Brecknock Nursery

‘We are thrilled to see how well the children are playing and learning every day. We know that the resources and how they are organised is making such a huge difference to their well-being and overall development.’
Marianne Porter
Headteacher, Brecknock Primary School

Rapid Improvement
of East Park Primary

‘As a new headteacher appointed to turn around a failing school, Early Excellence offered me fantastic support. Within 12 months we have totally transformed the Early Years department and dramatically improved outcomes for children.’
Hayley Guest
Headteacher, East Park Primary

School Refurbishment
of Dixon’s Academy

‘With the support of Early Excellence we have achieved our vision for a child-centred ethos through school. We have worked successfully together to create stimulating environments for children and plan highly effective CPD for staff.’
Chris Currie
Executive Headteacher, Dixons Academy