
Early Excellence

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Transform Your Outdoor Environment

If redeveloping your outdoor area is a priority, then do get in touch. At Early Excellence we specialise in helping schools to plan and equip their outdoor areas, offering expert advice to help develop a well-managed outdoors curriculum for children 3-7yrs.

Our Curriculum Team are all experienced EYFS and/or KS1 Leaders who can review your current provision and will be delighted to help you plan and equip your space. Simply request an Outdoor Design Consultancy with one of our Curriculum Consultants today.

This is a free service for schools and settings who wish to equip their outdoors space/s with Early Excellence Stores, furniture and outdoor resources. A £250 consultancy fee will be applicable if a minimum order of £3000 is not placed within 3 months of the quotation being provided.

To explore our products and services:

–       Request a Brochure Pack 

–       Watch our FREE Webinar

–       Invest in our Guide to Outdoor Provision

–       Explore Outdoor Resources Online

Request a Brochure Pack

Early Excellence Brochures

Explore our extensive range of outdoor play resources for inspiration on how to transform your outdoor provision and learning environment, with options suitable for children in nursery, reception, year one and KS1 primary years.
Request a Brochure