
Early Excellence

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The Power of Outdoor Learning

The Power of Outdoor Learning

This unique and specialised online outdoor CPD programme is designed to help EYFS Leaders facilitate high quality training for the whole EYFS and KS1 Team. Packed with outdoor training webinars, practical videos and support materials, the programme offers a flexible, readymade solution to delivering inhouse training.

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The programme is designed to support your school to review and develop the use of your outdoor provision to strengthen teaching and learning across the curriculum in the EYFS and into KS1. It challenges teams to look beyond ideas for setting-up and resourcing the outdoors, to thinking more deeply about the outdoor curriculum, developing greater knowledge to help improve teaching and outcomes. Once purchased, you gain access to the programme for six months which allows plenty of time to watch the webinars, share the practical tips videos and undertake the gap tasks with your whole team.

Cost per school:
£395.00 (exc. VAT)

For more information and to book your school onto this unique package of online learning, please follow the links below.

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