
Early Excellence

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EEx Blogs


Join our Early Excellence community and explore our inspirational blogs which cover a range of themes, challenges and case studies across the EYFS and into Key Stage 1. Take a look below and get ready to take your practice and provision forward. Some of our blogs are now also available as a Podcast too, offering you and your team a range of free, bitesize CPD opportunities.

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What is Continuous Provision?

What is Continuous Provision? Early years education is special and unique with its focus on child development, effective learning characteristics and holistic approaches. It’s this breadth that can sometimes be…

Navigating the Sea of Talk

Settings which focus on displaying key words have potentially missed the point. Acquiring new words and their context is linked to meaningful experience and talk.

Repetitive play: is it ok?

Do you have children in your class who consistently repeat the same actions and behaviours; perhaps moving things from one place to another, putting things into bags or containers and moving them around, or perhaps they are even throwing things? They might well be engaging in schematic play.

Play-Based Curriculum in KS1

Do you offer a play-based curriculum in Key Stage 1? Discover an inspiring and informative series of blogs written by Joanna Redfern, Executive Headteacher of All Saints CE Infant and…

Plan, Do, Review in KS1

In this blog, Joanna Redfern, Executive Headteacher of All Saints CE Infant and Pre-School and Selston CE Infant and Nursery School in Nottinghamshire describes how an effective balance between child…

Mathematical Musings

Read our latest blog by Jude Twani, who is an Associate Consultant for Early Excellence. One day I was introduced as an “early years maths expert” and imposter syndrome flooded…

Transient Art and Loose Parts Play

Why is Transient Art & Creativity Important? Transient Art and Creative opportunities will give children a sense of control over their surroundings and a feeling of satisfaction and are, therefore,…

Responsible Early Childhood Pedagogy

Why staying true to your values and keeping informed will help secure the right outcomes for children, despite the latest and ongoing challenges presented by uninformed reports and government policy….