The Importance of the Sand Area in Indoor Continuous Provision
Learn why indoor sand area play is important, how it differs from outdoor sand play and their impact on early childhood development.
Join our Early Excellence community and explore our inspirational blogs which cover a range of themes, challenges and case studies across the EYFS and into Key Stage 1. Take a look below and get ready to take your practice and provision forward. Some of our blogs are now also available as a Podcast too, offering you and your team a range of free, bitesize CPD opportunities.
Learn why indoor sand area play is important, how it differs from outdoor sand play and their impact on early childhood development.
A large body of research suggests that too much colour can provide a sensory overload for our children, creating an environment where they are less likely to be highly involved and more likely to be distracted.
Do your early years’ classroom spaces truly reflect your vision for learning? Have they come together by accident or been carefully planned to offer rich, meaningful and joyful experiences for…
Why is there such a difference between the settings we create for our children under 5 and those between the ages of 5 and 7? What are we basing our…
Exploring and experimenting with water is a key fascination of many children – and if you have it available continuously, you may even find that some children go back to…
Whether you’re setting up your new classroom for the first time, or changing your existing layout, it is vitally important to get it right. The actions you take and the…
Young children have a natural interest in their own lives and their own circle of experience. They will often seek out opportunities to play imaginatively with familiar contexts, exploring the…
Are you currently reviewing your Early Years curriculum? Wondering if it is progressive? Perhaps you’re even in a spin with where to start!
Consider the children currently moving towards the end of their time in Reception. The chances are, you will have a group of children confident in their abilities and secure in…
The last few weeks have seen the DfE launch its latest round of consultations related to the EYFS. Although it may appear that the proposed changes will impact on some…
Assessment within the EYFS can be a minefield. If you are looking to improve the processes there are some key questions to consider.
What is Continuous Provision? Early years education is special and unique with its focus on child development, effective learning characteristics and holistic approaches. It’s this breadth that can sometimes be…
Anyone who has ever spent quality time alongside young children will know that their drive to learn is often powered by their own interests and fascinations. Attempting to teach young…
Settings which focus on displaying key words have potentially missed the point. Acquiring new words and their context is linked to meaningful experience and talk.
How is tidy up time viewed at your school or setting? Is it seen as a race, rushing to finish tidying so that the learning can continue, or do you…
March 2024 saw the latest edition of Ofsted’s subject report series. We reflect on this report and teaching English in primary schools.
Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) takes children’s interests and builds them into learning wherever possible, using continuous provision. Here’s how!
This Maths Outdoors article is also available as a podcast: When it comes to teaching and learning outdoors, this quote from the Professor Tina Bruce always comes to mind: “Frequent…
What does your outdoor curriculum look like? Is it simply a replication of the indoors, or does it provide additional and unique experiences as it should? This article is also…
There are now two distinct versions of the EYFS framework: one for childminders, and the other designed for group and school-based providers.
Do your early years classroom spaces truly reflect your vision for learning? Have they come together by accident or been carefully planned?
When you are thinking about outdoor learning for EYFS or KS1, organise your ideas and resources for these predictable types of weather so that when the weather does change, you…
Moreso than ever, language and talk has become the new hot topic of conversation in settings everywhere. Talk is a key aspect in building strong relationships, developing communication and language…
The end of October 2023 saw the publication of two key DfE documents focusing on the EYFS. Regulatory Changes On October 27th the DfE published its response to the consultation…
Explore why a setting up an effective Dough Area will enhance children’s creativity and imagination, foster collaboration and encourage talk.
Assessing & understanding children’s starting points is a vital in their first few weeks. Discover how to lay the foundation for effective planning.
Working in Key Stage One, it can sometimes feel as if the Curriculum is weighing us down – looming over every decision we make. It can feel unmanageable and ‘too…
Early this month, Ofsted published the second in series of Early Years Reviews. As expected, this new instalment focuses on the Prime Areas, and builds on the previous reviews’ comments…
Some areas of resources are most effective when used in relation to others. Explore why small world and block area are perfect together.
Ofsted state that curriculum begins when children first join the school. Are school leaders ready to examine EYFS curriculum strategically?
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is, quite rightly, one of the prime areas of learning in the EYFS and, now more than ever, our practice should reflect this. With this…
As an ECT, starting a new teaching job is exciting, and a chance to put into practice so many ideas that you have seen and heard about through training and…
In part one of our guide for ECT’s we outlined some of the fundamental relationships that need to be formed and nurtured when working in the EYFS environments. Now, let’s look…
Block play offers a wealth of learning opportunities across the curriculum, especially with story telling through small world or role play.
In part three of our ECT series, we are going to focus on the role of the adult in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This article is also available as…
Explore the latest Ofsted updates and learn how to navigate these changes with our comprehensive blog. Get essential insights.
Do you have children in your class who consistently repeat the same actions and behaviours; perhaps moving things from one place to another, putting things into bags or containers and moving them around, or perhaps they are even throwing things? They might well be engaging in schematic play.
Looking to enhance your maths teaching practice? Here’s some practical examples to help embed those important number skills.
Jo Berry, EYFS teacher at Thrussington Primary School in Leicestershire has explored a wealth of ways to engage young children in mathematics, and in particular, teaching children the principles of…
A Home Corner is the most familiar experience the children can have. It relates directly to their own lives and their interests and is something that all children have in…
Do you offer a play-based curriculum in Key Stage 1? Discover an inspiring and informative series of blogs written by Joanna Redfern, Executive Headteacher of All Saints CE Infant and…
In this blog, Joanna Redfern, Executive Headteacher of All Saints CE Infant and Pre-School and Selston CE Infant and Nursery School in Nottinghamshire describes how an effective balance between child…
In this blog, Joanna Redfern, Executive Headteacher of All Saints CE Infant and Pre-School and Selston CE Infant and Nursery School in Nottinghamshire writes about how she and her KS1…
Discover the impact of developing a child-centred, play-based curriculum in KS1 on both levels of engagement, of both children and staff, and progress towards end of Year Two expectations. In this blog,…
There are a range of factors that can result in your Books and Puppets area being less effective, so let’s consider each of these.
As we begin a new academic year, seek ways to build and strengthen our relationships at all levels. Celebrate the joy of working with EYFS!
Investigating how things join together, whether to construct something in their imagination or following another’s design, has long been a fascination of young children and many adults! But how can…
Read our latest blog by Jude Twani, who is an Associate Consultant for Early Excellence. One day I was introduced as an “early years maths expert” and imposter syndrome flooded…
Domestic role play provides an invaluable opportunity for young children to pretend to be the key people in their lives and begin to make sense of the world around them….
Intensive catch-up strategies in education may fill some gaps with older children but those in KS1 have missed the all-important EYFS.
Last week the DfE released three short videos titled Implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms. Using a combination of views from practitioners and leaders in Early Adopter schools and…
So, hopefully you’re all set. You’ve attended the training on the new EYFS framework, you’ve read the documentation, followed the many online debates and now, finally you’re ready to put…
Whenever our children arrive back into school, they will have needs unlike any cohort that has gone before them. The range of lockdown experiences in any given class will vary…
Back in the summer I was kindly asked by Nursery World to offer some thoughts on how things had changed since the pandemic; the impact this was having on everyday…
If we want children to successfully embed a range of mathematical concepts then we really need to reflect on our pedagogy first. Effective teaching of mathematics in the EYFS doesn’t…
Meaningful experiences give young children an opportunity to embed learning and often provide holistic learning experiences, even at home.
Transient art using natural materials or loose parts is perfect for encouraging children’s creative ideas and mathematical thinking.
As we try to get to grips with this new, isolated way of life, education for our youngest children has also changed dramatically. EYFS teachers have been working incredibly hard…
In the last week, we have seen the publication of Development Matters, the new non-statutory curriculum guidance which supports delivery of the recently revised EYFS. This follows the announcement from…
St Gregory’s Catholic School, developed their domestic role play to enhance learning opportunities to match the children’s interests.
Like you, we have been trying to keep up with the multiple guidance publications issued by the Department of Education since the outbreak of COVID 19. Many schools and settings…
Why is Transient Art & Creativity Important? Transient Art and Creative opportunities will give children a sense of control over their surroundings and a feeling of satisfaction and are, therefore,…
One thing that the lockdown situation has given many of us is a lot of is time. As we emerge from isolation, desperately needing haircuts but with kitchen cupboards tidier…
Do we use the Characteristics effectively? Is the process of learning reflected on as much as it could be? Lets take a look.
The DfE’s EYFS Consultation is coming to an end. Respond by the 31st January With so much change heading our way it is essential for all involved in the EYFS to…
Our engagement with effective, meaningful, challenging and impactful CPD will ensure that our professional development remains continuous.
Why staying true to your values and keeping informed will help secure the right outcomes for children, despite the latest and ongoing challenges presented by uninformed reports and government policy….